姜长军,南京农业大学管理学博士,现为tyc1286太阳成集团校聘副教授。担任《Socio-Economic Planning Sciences》、《Cities》、《Sage Open》、《Environment, Development and Sustainability》、《Journal of Urban Planning and Development》、《Kybernetes》、《Land》等国际期刊审稿人。
1. 中央高校基本科研业务费人文社科基金——人口变化趋势下江苏乡村转型研究(SKYZ2024014),参与;
2. 国家社会科学基金重点项目——农民工市民化的风险及其防御政策体系研究(18AZD023),参与;
3. 国家社会科学重大基金项目子课题——集体土地财产权赋能强能、确权及登记的制度建构研究方案(7ZDA076),参与;
4. 常州市武进区农村宅基地制度改革中所有权上升系列问题研究课题,参与;
5. 农村土地制度改革咨询项目——武进区宅基地制度改革试验关键问题,参与;
6. 农村土地制度改革咨询项目——武进区农村宅基地三权分置探索,参与;
7. 江苏省习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心一般项目、省社科基金一般项目——江苏省推进农业农村现代化研究(23ZXZB022),参与;
8. 中央农办、农业农村部乡村振兴专家咨询委员会软科学课题研究计划——加快推进农业转移人口市民化研究(201932),参与;
9. 山东省曲阜市、台儿庄区、山亭区、蒙阴县《国家级重点生态功能区产业准入负面清单》编制,参与;
*Corresponding author
[1] Changjun Jiang, Huiguang Chen. Multi Scenario Simulation of Urban-rural Land Use Spatial Evolution and Rural Transformation Strategies in Southern Jiangsu Region[J]. Land (SSCI), 2024.
[2] Changjun Jiang*, Yixue Li. The Effect of Government Environmental Concern Strength and Differential Supply of Construction Land on Urban Environmental Protection Pressure. Journal of Urban Planning and Development (SSCI/SCI/EI), 2023.
[3] Changjun Jiang, Bohao Jin. Does the Development of Digital Economy Infrastructure Reduce the Urban-Rural Income Gap? Theoretical experience and empirical data from China. Kybernetes (SCI/EI). 2023.
[4] Changjun Jiang, Jintao Li. Influence of the Market Supply of Construction Land on the Misallocation of Labor Resources: Empirical Evidence from China. Land (SSCI). 2022; 11(10):1773.
[5] Changjun Jiang, Jintao Li. Does urbanization affect the gap between urban and rural areas? Evidence from China, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (SSCI/SCI), 2022. (ESI 1%)
[6] Changjun Jiang*. Spatial Correlation and Influencing Factors of the Urban Land Transaction Market in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration. Kybernetes (SCI/EI). 2023.
[7] Changjun Jiang, Xiaoxuan Liu. Does High-Speed Rail Operation Reduce Ecological Environment Pressure?—Empirical Evidence from China. Sustainability (SSCI/SCI), 2022, 14, 3152.
[8] Bohao Jin, Changjun Jiang*. Scientization or Parametrization? Which Institution is more Advantageous to Environmental Conservation in the Reform of Chinese state-owned Forest Farms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI), 2023.
[9] Bohao Jin, Changjun Jiang*. Has the National Ocean Economic Pilot Project promoted blue economy development in China? Ocean and Coastal Management (SCI), 2024.
[10] Wei Zhao, Changjun Jiang*. Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics and Dynamic Effects of Urban-Rural Integration Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region. Land (SSCI),2022, 11(7), 1054.
[11] Zhichao Yu, Changjun Jiang*. Financial Support for Agriculture, Agricultural Mechanization Service and Agricultural Economic Development -- An Empirical Study Based on Provincial Panel Data. (ICDAEME 2022).
[12] Jintao Li, Changjun Jiang, Zhanjun Xing. Multi-dimensional infuence measurement of urbanization on the quality of natural living environment in China. Environment, Development and Sustainability (SCI), 2021.
[13] Jintao Li, Yuling Gong, Changjun Jiang. Spatio-temporal differentiation and policy optimization of ecological well-being in the Yellow River Delta high-efficiency eco-economic zone. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI/EI), 2022.
[14] 姜长军, 李贻学. “丝绸之路经济带”中国段土地利用系统安全性评价及阻力分析[J]. 地球环境学报, 2018.
[15] 姜长军, 李贻学. 基于改进的TOPSIS-PSR模型甘肃省城市土地利用系统安全性评价及障碍度分析[J]. 湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版), 2018.
[16] 姜长军, 李贻学. 泰安市城市建设用地发展变化的分析研究[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2017.
[17] 姜长军, 李贻学. 基于熵值法TOPSIS模型的陕西省资源环境承载力研究[J]. 资源与产业, 2017.
2. 南京农业大学土地资源管理专业(第四、第五轮学科评估为A)博士生中期考核优秀;
3. 获2023年度南京农业大学“大学生年度人物”暨“最具影响力研究生”荣誉称号;
4. 2024年南京农业大学优秀毕业生。